Happy April Fool's Day! Alec must have forgotten it was April Fool's this morning or I am sure he would have tried to 'get' me. I didn't see Jason this morning since Brad takes him to school on Thursdays. I am sure they will both pull some trick later on today.
Well let me think..... What happened in March....
I spent most of the first week recovering from our Vegas trip :) In addition to the blisters on my feet - I caught a BAD cold - or virus. I was miserable all week.
Alec's 4th grade class went to Jefferson City on the 3rd to tour the capitol. I was supposed to go with them but just couldn't do it. They had a very long day. They met at Daniel Young at 6:00am and returned around 6:00pm.
By Saturday the 6th I was feeling better, thank goodness, because I had plans to meet my cousin Lisa for lunch. We met in Liberty at 54th Street and had a very nice lunch and visit. It had been much too long since I had seen her.
March 8-12 was Spring Break for the boys. We didn't go anywhere but they enjoyed the week at home just goofing off.
I was supposed to have jury duty on the 9th but when I called the info line my service had been canceled. They said they would not call me again for at least 3 years. I don't really mind jury duty - but since it was during the boys spring break and it was in downtown KC - I was glad I did not have to go.
On the 13th, Mom, Nan and I had a girl's day out. We went to Zona Rosa for lunch and shopping. We really should do that more often. It was fun. However, Alec kept calling and rushing us because he was supposed to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa and he wanted her to come home. We'll have to make sure and not plan it that way again.
On the 20th, Alec was in the Eastern Jackson County Spelling Bee. There we 83 kids from grades 3-8. He was very nervous and unfortunately got out in the first round - but it is just very cool that he made it all the way to the county bee.
Also on the 20th - the first day of Spring - we had a surprise snow storm. It had been 70 degrees just a few days before and then on Friday night the temp dropped below freezing and we got 9 or so inches of snow over the weekend. It was crazy. At least it melted pretty quickly and was warm again by mid week. Hopefully that will be the last snow of the season.
On the 27th, I went out with Carla and Jennifer. They took me to lunch at Olive Garden for my birthday. Then we went shopping at Independence Center and then to the movie "Bounty Hunter".
On the 28th I attended my cousin Charice's baby shower. It was a nice shower and it was great to see family that I hadn't seen for awhile. She is due on May 25th and his having a home, water birth. This is her first baby and they are having a boy.
Birthdays in March:
Taryn turned 25 on March 15th
Charles turned 74 on March 22nd
and I turned ?? on March 30th!
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago