December was a pretty busy month - like most people's Decembers are.
12/2 after spending the morning getting fingerprinted for my JPM job - I worked at the Gingerbread Shop at Alec's school. Lots of wrapping gifts that the kiddos had picked out for their families and friends. This was my first time in the 10 years at DYE that I had worked at this event. It was kind of fun - but I guess it will also be my last since next year is middle school!
12/3 - Michael turned 28. Wow we have a kid that is almost 30! :)
12/8 - Alec had an x-ray of his casted arm to make sure it was healing properly. It was. But it took 1 1/2 hours for the appointment! ugh. Also on this day the boys and I worked at Chicago Street Lights for the scouts. It was cold but not unbearable. Better than last year - and no snow this year.
12/11 - We had Trent's birthday dinner at Mom and Dad's during the day and attended Mark and Charice's Christmas party that night. I had a fun time.
12/12 - my baby bro turned 44.
12/14 - I started my job at JP Morgan.
12/15 - Alec was in his school spelling bee. The results weren't what we had hoped - but that's the way it goes sometimes. The word he missed was 'tickled'. He thought they said 'tickle' and he spelled 'tickle'. That darn 'd' lost him the bee.
12/16 - was the Daniel Young Christmas Play. It was very cute. Alec was in the chorus. He didn't want to try out for anything else. Our neighbor, Marissa, was Miss Dolly and she had a solo. She did great!
12/20 - Alec got his long arm cast off this morning and then got a short one to wear for a couple more weeks. This time he got red with a green stripe - for Christmas. In the afternoon - I took pictures for Jacob's friend Cameron and his mom at Falls Park by Bass Pro. So I guess I technically worked 2 jobs this week :) My photo biz and my JPM job.
12/21 - We had our December Pack Meeting for scouts. I spent most of it wrapping gifts for our adopted family. Thank goodness I had 3 other people helping me. I couldn't have done it without them! We had a quite a few things for them. I hope they had a good Christmas.
12/24 - We had our traditional Christmas Eve at Mom and Dad's house.
12/25 - Alec got us up at 7:45 or so to open presents. I think the boys had a good Christmas. I know I did. Mom, Dad and Nan came over in the afternoon.
12/27 - Grandpa took the boys to see the newest Harry Potter movie. They liked it. He didn't. Mom and I went to Bethany to Aunt Faye's to visit with Teresa, Angela, Kiersten and Kaylee who were here from New York.
12/28 - Taryn, Brady, Hunter and his girlfriend Stephanie came in around 9:30 that night for a visit.
12/31 - Hunter, Steph, Jason and Alec went ice skating. Yes - Alec went ice skating with a cast on his arm. What a bad mother I am! He also got a unicycle for Christmas. Crazy - I know! After skating - all 8 of us went to Red Lobster for dinner. Brad's Mom and Dad had sent some money for Christmas - and I thought this would be a way to spend it that we would all enjoy. Too bad they couldn't join us! Later we just watched a movie at home and hung out until midnight.
Happy 2011!
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago