Well as you can tell from the pictures I posted last week - school started and they finished painting our house.
The boys (and Brad & I) seem to be adjusting well to the back to school routine. Alec had his first day of STRETCH yesterday. STRETCH stands for "Students Reach Excellence Through Challenge" and is the Blue Springs Gifted program. He will be traveling to a different school one day a week and working on special projects. He seems excited about it. There are only 3 other 3rd graders in his class so they should get lots of personalized attention!
Last night was curriculum night at Jason's school - so I got to meet all his teachers and hear what he will be doing this year. He has all the general classes as well as Family and Consumer Science (FACS) and French.
Taryn and Brady arrived last night for the weekend. They have tickets to the American Idol tour at the Sprint Center. All 10 finalists will perform but they are really going to see David Cook.
Taryn, Brady and I actually got to see David Cook live and in person just an hour ago. They unveiled a mural that had been created in his honor in downtown Blue Springs. It is very nice. I need to get a picture of it from Taryn. I failed to take my camera or my camera phone with me. It was a nice event because it wasn't well publicized so it wasn't horribly crowded. It was just a nice little home town event.
Taryn and Brady have gone to downtown KC right now to pick up their tickets for tonight. The boys are at school. Brad and I both have the day off. And how we spending it? - We are in separate rooms both on the computer. Oh well. :)
Sunday we are having a big party for Mom's 70th birthday - so I guess I better go clean house or something. I'll post pics of the party next week.
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago