Today is 8/8/08. The 3 moms and 6 kids in our cul-de-sac went to Super Splash today. It is a small water park in Raytown. The mom's mostly sat and talked and the kids went on the Avalanche and other water slides over and over again. It was a nice afternoon. There wasn't much humidity and the temperature was in the 80's.
Right now the boys are next door at their friend Jacob's 11th birthday party. Brad is not yet home from work so it is pretty quiet here.
Other things we did this week:
Saturday - Alec went to a sleepover birthday party for his friend Michael B. Brad, Jason and I went out to eat at Outback Steakhouse and then school supply shopping. I bought a new printer too. It was Missouri's back to school tax free weekend.
Sunday - Cleaned the carpets
Monday - Jay, Al and I saw the movie Swing Vote
Tuesday - I worked from home
Wednesday - I took the afternoon off and took the boys to register for school
Thursday - The boys spent the day with grandpa and grandma and I went into the office and worked.
Exciting stuff! :P
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