We had a very nice Christmas. We went to my mom and dad's on Christmas Eve as is our tradition. We had a few presents for the kids, ate chili and a lot of sweets, and had a good time just being together.
On Christmas Day we stayed home. The boys didn't get up until 8:30 or so - believe it or not. We lazed around and enjoyed the day. My parents and sister came by later in the day for a short visit.
Around 8:00pm Christmas night - Michael, Taryn, Brady, Hunter and Autumn arrived. We had a nice visit and we're glad everyone could make it. We took a family picture which I posted a few days ago. They went back to South Dakota on Sunday afternoon. It has been very quiet around here since then.
Brad has been working and the boys and I have mostly been hanging around the house. We did go see the movie "Bedtime Stories" with Lucia, Sabrina and Marissa on Monday. It was cute. The weather has been in the upper 50s for the last couple days - so boys have spent a lot of time outside. I am very glad that they haven't spent their whole Christmas Break on the computer. Alec has gotten very good on the pogo stick he got from Gram and Gramps and Jason has been riding his new Ripstick. (He already was very good at riding it. His old one just got run over by a car.)
Here is the front and back of the calendar Alec made me for Christmas. I like Brad's gray hair and how skinny I look ;)
Happy New Year to all!