May was full of endings and beginnings...
I attended my first bookclub in a couple of years. I am so glad it is up and running again. I really missed it. It was also our first bookclub since the loss of one of our members to breast cancer - last October - which made it bittersweet. Kelly was definitely missed! We read The Art of Racing in the Rain - which I really enjoyed.
We had the family over on May 2 to celebrate Mom and Dad's anniversary and an early Mother's Day. Aunt Faye was in town and joined us.

On May 7, Slate Christian Holtsclaw was born to Charice and Mark in a home, water birth.
On May 8, Mom, Vanessa, Aunt Karyn and I attended 2 graduation parties. First cousin Cory's. He received his Masters from UMKC. Then we drove up to Kearney for cousin Jeannie and her daughter Jodi's combined grad party. Jeannie received her Master of Science in Nursing for Informatics and Jodi received her Pharmacy tech certificate. I have some very smart cousins! I think this makes at least 4 of my cousins who now have Masters degrees.
Mother's Day was quiet. Brad and boys cooked dinner for me - and cleaned up afterward! They also gave me a rose bush and Alec made me a flower pot at school in which he planted a purple petunia.
The Monday after Mother's Day - Mom and I went to Charice and Mark's to take pictures of baby Slate. Newborn photo sessions are fun!

May 14 was Track and Field Day at Daniel Young. I worked the obstacle course. Thank goodness that weather was very nice that day. However, the previous weeks' of rain made the field very muddy!
On May 15 there was a Douthat family party at Mom and Dad's to celebrate Vanessa's 50th and Aunt Karyn's 70th birthdays.

May 18 was our Cub Scout Pack graduation. Alec is now a 2nd year Webelo. Only one more year until Boy Scouts.
May 19 was Vanessa's actual birthday. She and I, along with Mom and Dad, attended the New Theatre Restaurant matinee performance of Becky's New Car. We sat in Row 1 Table 1. It was quite enjoyable. There was a little bit of audience participation - so Mom and Dad both got to be a small part of the show.
And last but not least - on May 23 - Jake graduated from high school!

May ended up being a pretty busy month. June is starting out to be very un-busy. School's out now, cub scouts is over for the summer, no camps, no sports, etc. What are we going to do with ourselves!
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