The last day of school was June 2. We had a cul-de-sac party that evening. Made Chicago Dawgs and roasted marshmallows for s'mores. We didn't stay out as late as usual since it had been a full day and the guys had to work the next day.
Also on June 2 - Zachary Wendele James was born to my cousin Lisa and her hubby Erick. I went to visit them at the hospital on the 3rd. He is adorable! Lisa has very fast labors and he was born within 2 hours of her water breaking. Considering they have a 45 minute drive to the hospital - that was cutting it close :)

On the 4th - Jason got his learner's permit!

On Saturday, June 5 we went to Jake's grad party. They had it at a shelter house at Mill Creek Park. It was pretty hot and humid - so we were all a bit sweaty - but it was a fun time! The 'kids' cooled off by throwing water on each other.

On the 7th I went to Plattsburg to take pics of Zachary. I had a wonderful visit with my cousin.

We were supposed to have our second bookclub on June 8 but it was canceled due to non-participation. I have a feeling we are not going to get it up and running again. I did read the book though. It was Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.
On the 13th I dropped off a picture at Mom and Dad's for my cousin to pick up and I ended up going with them to see Aunt Charlotte. She will soon be 99 years old. She has good and bad days but seemed to be pretty good when we were there.
Trent and Michelle celebrated their 19th wedding anniversary on June 15.
On the 18th I joined some old work friends for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Not a lot of people were able to make it but it was great to see those who did. Jackie, Lori, Amy and Heather came from JPM and Debbie, Deb and Carla from TIAA. After lunch I visited TIAA's new office space at College and Metcalf. It is much nicer than the old space - but they have short cubicle walls which would be distracting.
On the 19th we had the family over for a Father's Day dinner. I feel very lucky to have such a wonderful father and to be able to spend time with him.
On Father's Day we didn't do much - which is what Brad wanted. He did talk to all his children and his father. It was a good day.
On Monday the 21st, Taryn and Hunter came for the week. They had been in Kansas for their Grandma's 70th birthday and they came by here on the way home.
The 6 of us went to the Royals game on Friday night. The improvements to the stadium are very nice.
Taryn went home Saturday but Hunter decided to stay another week. We are taking him home this Saturday and will spend the 4th of July in Sioux Falls. This will be the first time in 9 years that we have not celebrated the 4th in the cul-de-sac. I have mixed feelings about that.
This week we have had a painter in the house. He painted the living room, entryway, front room and hallways. The front room is Red Delicious and the rest is Clay Bisque. Next is new carpet!
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