Speaking of jobs - I checked on a couple this month. I looked into working part-time at JPM doing conversions like I did 5 years ago. I suggested that I could job share with another part-timer - but they said that can't hire anyone in at part-time. I did not apply for the full-time position. I know I am spoiled - but I just couldn't stand the thought of going to the office 5 days a week.
The other job I looked at is with the last company I worked for. When/if they have an opening - I may go back as a contingent worker. It would be full-time too - but would be from home. The office they have here is full. Full-time from home would be good! Besides - I need to drive Alec to and from school this year - so I need to be here.
School started on August 18 for both the boys. Jason is a sophomore and Alec is in 5th grade. I take Jason to school in the mornings but he rides the bus home. The morning bus comes at 6:30am but school does not start until 7:25am. I just couldn't see making him (and me) wake up that early to go sit at the school for 45 minutes. I know they have to be that early because the freshman center and the high school share the buses - but that is just crazy.
Alec can't ride the bus this year. They changed the boundaries and he is actually supposed to go to a different school now. But since this was his last year of elementary school, I decided to let him stay at his old school and drive him. It is kind of a pain - but at least my neighbor is doing the same for her daughter - so we take turns.

There was something very sad that happened this month. My cousin's 17 year old step-son had been missing since May. His body was found this month in the woods. He had committed suicide. His father was very devastated - as you can imagine. I attended a memorial service for Cody on Aug 22. It was a very moving service and very, very sad. Life will never be the same for his family. What makes a boy, with his whole life ahead of him, and family and friends that love him, take his own life. He had to have been in a very dark place. I pray that he is now at peace.
We did have some wonderful things to celebrate this month too though!
Great Aunt Charlotte celebrated her 99th birthday!

Aunt Karyn and Uncle Loren celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary!
They had a nice dinner party thrown by their children. It was in Ottawa and much of the family attended.

Michelle turned 40 something :) and
Mom turned 72

We celebrated Mom and Michelle's birthdays together with dinner at our house. It was a stormy night - but fun. In attendance were Aunt Faye, Mom, Dad, Nan, Trent, Michelle, Jake, Taylor, Jill, Josh and of course the 4 of us. It was our last family celebration before Jake's headed off to college. Not like he won't be back quite often - but it was still a milestone.
On Mom's actual birthday - she, Dad and I went to see the movie Eat Pray Love. It was pretty good. I am going to miss being able to do things like going to the movie in the middle of the day when I start working again!
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