I am not yet back to work but I am currently in discussions for a part-time contract job. Yeah!
I need a job to help pay for our new carpet and tile. :)

September celebrations:
nephew Seth turned 12
brother-in-law Shawn had a birthday
Taryn and Brady celebrated their 3rd wedding anniversary and
found out they are expecting a baby!!!
The Santa Cali Gon was Labor Day weekend as usual. Normally Mom, Nan and I go and browse the craft tents. Unfortunately, this year, Mom is having more trouble than usual with her feet and is currently in a wheelchair. Wheelchairs and very crowded, narrow tents do not mix. I actually ended up going with Lucia for a couple of hours on Saturday. Next year hopefully Mom will be able to walk and she, Nan, Lucia and I can all go!
Vanessa and I attempted to go to the Plaza Art Fair this year too but got rained out. We drove down there on Saturday night but never found a parking place and then it started raining pretty hard and didn't look like it would clear up. We decided to go get mani/pedis instead.
Mom, Nan and I decided to go out to lunch and shopping since we missed SantaCaliGon. We went to Olive Garden and then shopping at Kohl's and Bed,Bath and Beyond. It was much easier to push a wheelchair around those places than it would have been at SCG.
I had to get new rear brakes on my Honda even though it only has 23,000 miles on it. Apparently Honda had a design flaw with the 2008 Accords. They did at least send me a settlement for $125 to help cover the cost. They were pretty quick about sending it too. I was very surprised.
The annual Baker Reunion was the second Sunday in September. The boys and I went with Mom, Dad and Vanessa. Or I guess I should say they went with me - because I drove.

Alec missed 4 days of school during September. I never did understand if he had bronchitis or not but I know he did not have pneumonia as the chest x-ray was clear. The final 'cure' was an inhaler to clear his bronchial passages.
Grandparent's Day at Alec's school was October 1st. Mom and Dad came. I worked with Lucia selling sportswear. I guess this is our last one since they don't have Grandparent's day at the middle school.

I am sure I am forgetting a few things but I wanted to get at least this much updated. Until next time......
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