There were definitely good things that happened though!
At Alec's parent/teacher conference I learned that he got a perfect score on his Communication Arts MAP test. His teacher was very impressed and they are trying to see if anyone else in the district achieved this. The MAP test is the elementary standardized test, given in the state of Missouri, each year and stands for Missouri Assessment Program. In high school they take similar tests but they are called Missouri End-of-Course Assessment. Well guess what! Jason achieved a perfect score on his geometry EOC! I am soooo proud of my boys!! Jason also took the PSAT (pre-SAT) test in October and is taking the PLAN (pre-ACT) test this morning. He will be going off to college before we know it! I am not ready for that!
More things to celebrate from October:
Hunter turned 20 on 10/11. We now have kids that are 10, 15, 20 and 25 (and 27) - cool!

My Dad turned 74 on 10/13

Brad's Grandma Willis turned 96 on 10/17
Autumn Rayne turned 9 on 10/26
Mom and Dad's neighbors have season tickets to the Royals game. They had a couple of extra tickets to the last game of the season and gave them to Mom and Dad. Mom is having lots of trouble with her right foot so she didn't want to go. The boys didn't want to go either, Trent had to work, etc - so anyway - I ended up going with my Dad. It was a really nice day and it was nice to spend one-on-one time with my dad. Too bad the Royals lost in extra innings.

Still no job - but I did have an 'interview' for a part-time contract position. We will see if anything comes of it.
Not much else to report. The boys were out of school on 10/28, 10/29 and 11/1. We all enjoyed the 5 day 'weekend'. Oh yes - I guess we did have Halloween in there too! I almost forgot about it. The boys went all out on their costumes this year - NOT! They wore disguise glasses with a fake nose and mustache. They went trick or treating with the neighbors on their hay wagon and Brad and I stayed home and passed out candy. Or I guess - I passed out candy and Brad didn't move from his chair where he was reading a book. :) Here is a picture of my silly boys.

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