'Events' of the past week:
Monday - Cub Scouts
Thursday - Alec started Tae Kwon Do
Friday - Alec's friend Nick spent the night. His room is now a disaster - but at least they went to sleep at a reasonable hour.
Saturday - Alec and I went to Westlake to sell popcorn for cub scouts. We had a 2 hour shift at the 'show & sell' table. When our shift was over at noon we went to lunch with Mom and Dad. They picked Jason up from home and we ate at Rancho Grande. Later in the afternoon - (after Jake's baseball game) - Grandpa came and picked up Alec and he spent the night at their house.
Jason and I went to the mall and got some fall clothes for him and me. Then we came home and Brad, Jason and I watched 'Baby Mama' on DVD.
Sunday - Jason and I picked Alec up and went to the pet store. We were looking for a turtle for the boys to keep as a pet. We found a couple but decided to do some research. They sound like a lot of work! I told the boys they had to take care of it - completely. I don't think Jason realized how much work it would really be. So anyway - we are still turtle-less.
Later in the afternoon all 4 of us we went to the Stone Creek 'picnic' at Vesper Hall. There were not very many people there. I think a neighborhood picnic should actually be IN the neighborhood. Oh well - maybe next year. We did at least get a BBQ dinner.
That's about it. Right now I am procrastinating. I need to do laundry and clean up around here but just don't feel like it right now. It will get done eventually ;)
This pic is actually from last year's popcorn sales.