Sunday morning Brad left for Chicago. I went and picked up the boys at Grandma and Grandpas and we spent a nice quiet day at home.
Monday was our first cub scout meeting of the school year. We have 5 new boys. With the 6 from last year - that makes a pretty big den. Chad is going to do all the meetings this year and Crystal is going to help. I am going to just do the behind the scenes bookkeeping and I am very happy about that.
Tuesday was a busy day. I went in to office after Alec got on the bus. After work it was a rush to get dinner and help the boys with homework before my 7:30 scout committee meeting. Alec was having a bit of a melt down about his stretch project and I was no help since I had no patience. We really needed Brad that night :)
Wednesday - school, work and Alec finished his project for Stretch. Hunter called that night and we had a nice conversation. Unfortunately part of the reason he called was to tell us he broke his collar bone playing football - OW! He had just gone back to practices after the doctor cleared him for his knee issues - and about 15 minutes in - BAM he broke the collar bone. No more football for him.
His good news was that he has been nominated for Homecoming royalty. We are very proud of him. There are 5 boys and 5 girls in the running. They will find out the results on 9/22.
Thursday - school, work, dinner at Salt Iguana, trip to the Guitar Center and fall school clothes shopping at Kohl's.
Friday - school, work, tornado warnings and hurricane Ike. Brad came home - yeah!
Saturday - lazy day at home for me and Alec. Brad and Jason went to Bass Pro Shop. Jason climbed the rock wall and made it to the top. I think they had a good time and it was nice for them to have some 1 on 1 time.
Today - time to get my butt moving and get ready for the garage sale next Saturday.
Jason rock climbing

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