November 3 - Brad's granddaughter Averie turned 4. We have not had the opportunity to meet Averie or be a part of her life - but we hope she is well and happy.
November 4 - Jason took the PLAN test (pre-ACT). Results to come in December.
November 8 - we attended a memorial service for my Mom's long-time friend Carolyn Price. She was a wonderful person and I know will be missed by many.
November 9 - Brad's mother celebrated a birthday. Happy Birthday Maxine!
November 13 - Jill attended a photo club event with me. The photo club I belong to had Nick Vedros as a guest speaker. It was an interesting talk. He goes to great lengths for the perfect picture! This is his website -
November 14 - I went out to lunch and movie with my long-time friends Jennifer and Carla to celebrate Carla's birthday. We saw the movie Morning Glory. Next year Carla will be 50 and we are going on a cruise!
November 17 - Brad became a great uncle for the first time. His niece Mindy had a baby girl - Kinsley Paige.
November 20 - I took 6 month pictures of my cousin's baby Slate. He looked adorable in his Santa Suit! I also got to see another of my cousins on that day and I had lunch with her and her kiddos - Baby Zach and 4 year old Julia.

November 21 - we had an early Thanksgiving dinner at my Mom and Dad's. Mom still can't be on her feet much so she gave directions from the living room while the rest of us fixed dinner. Great team work!
November 23 - I volunteered at the School of Economics with Alec's class. They simulate a small town and learn lots. Some kids run food and craft shops. In addition, there is a Mayor, health inspectors, CPA firm and a bank. Alec was the bank president. They all get paychecks and get to spend their money at all the shops.

November 24 - we drove to Louisiana for Thanksgiving. It took us a little over 12 hours and we arrived at Grandpa and Grandma's house at around 8:00pm.
November 25 was Thanksgiving and a bit of a crazy day. It started first thing in the morning with Alec breaking his arm! He fell backwards off his Ripstik. Or rather off his cousin's Ripstik. He forgot to bring his own - maybe that should have been a sign. It was obviously broken and he was in a lot of pain - so Brad and I took him straight to Rapides Regional Medical Center ER. Coincidentally this is the same hospital that Brad was born in 50 years ago! All the personnel were great. We didn't have to wait long either - which was a relief. They gave Alec some pain medication and splinted his arm. We headed back home around 11:30am just in time for turkey dinner. Brad's grandmother joined us for Thanksgiving day. She is 96 and still gets around quite well.

November 26 - Tami and I braved the Black Friday crowds and went to Shoe Carnival and Best Buy. Shoe Carnival is a tradition for us. We always go and we usually like and buy the same shoes!
November 27 - The 10 of us went out to lunch at CiCi's then to the Alexandria Zoo. It was a gorgeous day and nice to get out and walk around. Alec was still adjusting to his injury and in a bit of pain so he rode in a wheelchair. We forgot his pain meds though and by the time we made it through the whole zoo - he was pretty worn out. I think he enjoyed it though. It gave him something to do since he couldn't be outside running around with his cousins like they usually are.

November 28 - We drove back to Missouri. It took a little less than 12 hours this time and was a pretty good trip.
We had a bit of a crazy Thanksgiving week this year. In addition to the broken arm - we had a few other bits of bad luck throughout the week. The Tahoe ran out gas in the driveway, Seth locked Tami's keys in their car. They did not have an extra set and had to get one made. Ryne's laptop was left on the floor and got 'rocked' on by the recliner. It made a big defect on the screen. Brad almost fainted at the ER when we took Alec. We almost had 2 patients. They gave him a wet rag and he laid down for few minutes and he was okay. He does not like hospitals.
But Shawn pointed out that all of those things could have been much worse. That is a good point. Alec could have broken his right arm instead of his left - or broke his neck or something. The Tahoe could have run out of gas on the freeway somewhere. It might have been much harder to get a key made for Tami's car. The laptop still works and can still be used. Brad did not faint and hit his head or something. So I guess that is a better way to look at things. Thanks Shawn!
November 29 - I took Alec to see his pediatrician for a cast. After the doc looked at the x-rays - he referred us to an orthopedic doctor for the cast. He thought the break was a little more than he could cast.
November 30 - We went to Rockhill Orthopedics and Alec got his cast. It goes from his shoulder to his hand and is red. After the casting - he and I went to 'the soup place' (Panera) for lunch. Then to Grandma and Grandpa's to show them his cast. Grandpa wasn't home but he came by our house later to see it (and us!) We went to the Scout Pack Meeting that night and he went back to school the next day.
And that's November 2010 for us! Coming up in December - I finally have a start date for my contract job at JPM. I start 12/14. and of course much more is happening in December! Until then....